Saturday, December 27, 2014


Happy Holidays!

I hope you've had a festive time filled with love, laughs and copious amounts of food! I think at this point in my life I get more excited about all the amazing food rather than the presents under the tree (not that I'd ever say no presents!), I mean apart from spending time with family of course.

Today we decided to take it easy considering there was really no where we needed to be unlike the past few days. I was tossing up between braving the sales along with the traffic or doing nothing at all, neither happened. Instead we took a short walk around the Botanic Gardens. Even though it wasn't a particularly sunny day, it was beautiful, tranquil and cool at least. I was hoping to spend a lot of time at the beach during my time off but the weather has proved to be quite moody and bi-polar and holiday traffic seems to happen at spots you'd never imagine, so we tried avoiding all that hassle.

So when did I start embracing dresses? I find it perplexing that we go through phases in life. I know it's what happens, but I seem to think existentially a lot, it's just the way my head operates. I have this severe obsession with white little-house-on-the-prairie dresses at the moment. I love the lace and crochet detailing, plus it's such a timeless and easy piece to wear. 

See you all in 2015 and stay safe during the holidays!

Human Premium Sandals (Similar here)
Vintage Chanel Bag

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Anne xox